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A Positive Mind Attracts Positive Outcomes.
Submitted by: Belinda Rapley
AustraliaThanks to The Secret for changing my life.
A positive mind attracts positive outcomes. Thank you so very much to Rhonda Byrne for giving the people of the Universe such a special gift and showing us how gratitude works. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
At the age of 16, I was sadly diagnosed with a condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa, a severe vision impairment which meant for me eventually total blindness in both eyes.
At that point in my life, it had brought on depression, and I found life hard to cope with. Then, after a while, I decided to ignore my problem, and maybe it would naturally disappear. It never did, and it slowly got worse.
Then, in 1996, I decided to use the law of attraction to bring me my soul mate. Then late in 1996, it happened! I met my dream man. Once again, using the law of attraction, I decided to start a family, and in 1998 it came true. I eventually ended up having five kids.
Then, sadly, in 2010, my life came crashing down around me. My sight had gotten worse, my personal life had fallen to pieces, my marriage was going downhill, I found out I only had 4% vision left in both eyes, and I had developed cataracts. Plus, due to having five kids, I had gained 35 kg, plus I had found out that four of my kids had Autism. I was a total wreck and a mess.
Around the time I was going through this mess, a book called The Secret was written. So I studied it, read it, and started to follow it. I would wake up feeling desperate to change my life and get to a better place, and I started looking for answers. What was my purpose for being here? I wondered. I started thinking in a more positive way, and my weight started to fall off. Without trying too hard, I lost 20 kg. Wow, that felt amazing.
I started to realize that I had a powerful story to tell the world. I discovered that I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives and help them use awareness and appreciate the gifts they already have. I feel grateful every day for my small amount of vision. I believe in my heart that I was given my vision for a purpose, and I will heal my eyes myself when the time is right.
Today, I am very driven to make a difference in people’s lives. So, I started writing a book and helping people discover their own personal stories and talents. I am also very interested in depression and supporting people who are suffering from it. I am still losing more weight, and I know I will succeed in getting to my perfect weight, it just takes time. But today, I feel more centered in myself, and I have a positive direction to go down.
Once you believe in yourself, the Universe becomes open to you, so just believe in your heart, and you will receive.
Thank you for reading. Blessings to you all.