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Came Out Of Depression.
Submitted by: KowsalyaRajkumar
TamilnaduI am a sensitive and emotional person but now I have become so brave and bold because of The Magic!
Thank you, Krishna, thank you, Krishna, thank you, Krishna. I am really feeling The Magic that has happened to me. Thank you so much for The Magic book. It is the only reason that I survived the last 6 months while I was suffering from depression. Many of us did not know about the meaning of it, including me before this. I am such a lucky person because I have everything in my life that God has gifted to me. I have great parents and a younger brother. I got a good education and I finished 3 graduate degrees. I fell in love with my aunty’s son. It is a strong and deep love and we are in the same family so there is no big restriction for our marriage. So everybody said yes to our marriage. We got married in 2020 and we are so enthusiastic about our life. I feel so gifted! God also gave another gift to us, our daughter.
Then I got an uneasy feeling. That was when the problem started. My husband worked in Bellary in Karnataka but in our native home of Tamilnadu, this started to separate our life. I felt sad but on the other hand, we were going to be with our family so I felt happy they would take care of us. But after we went to our native place, problems started. The reality was bad because our life was not a bed of roses. I felt demotivated, discriminated against, discouraged, and dominated. After that I started crying, I was angry, and I scolded people. I thought that there was no freedom for me. I was feeling so hopeless and depressed. My mind was not under my control. Even just small things were making me fearful and I suffered a lot.
This was the time that I came to read about The Magic and The Secret book. I studied, and I worked a lot on myself, both physically and mentally. I challenged myself. This was my life and I wanted to live happily up until the end of my life. So then I did not care about how others go on their path. Even if my family members were not supporting me and did not care about taking a positive approach. Then a lot of magic happened because of The Magic. I am a sensitive and emotional person but now I have become so brave and bold because of The Magic!
Now I am fully healthy, both mentally and physically. Thank you for giving my life back to me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!