Best-selling author and podcaster, Sahara Rose interviews Rhonda Byrne, creator and author of The Secret, for the Highest Self Podcast. Rhonda and Sahara Rose discuss all that Rhonda has learned about the Law of Attraction in the past 15+ years since The Secret has come out. They delve into the role of destiny and karma with manifestation and going beyond manifesting for material desires. The original title of this talk is ‘Law of Attraction Techniques with The Secret Creator Rhonda Byrne.’
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Sahara Rose – Welcome Rhonda to the Highest Self podcast, it’s so great to have you here.
Rhonda Byrne – Thank you so much Sahara, it’s wonderful to be here. Thank you.
Sahara – And the first question I’d love to ask you is, what makes you your highest self?
Rhonda – Oh wow! Great question. Being present, being in joy, being unattached, actually not listening to the mind when it’s saying things that I’m less, or we’re less, or that we’re lacking, that’s a big one, so not listening to the mind. Using it of course to manifest, so yes, all of those things and definitely when I love, when I’m in peace, when I’m in joy, that’s when I’m really being my highest self.
Sahara – I love that so much it’s so beautiful like so many of the words you just said are the words that I journal upon every day and like collectively we all want to feel that way. We want to feel joy, peace, serenity, harmony but it’s all of the disillusions and the mind that sometimes keep up from seeing that it already is here we just aren’t able to fully recognize that, so I’m excited to dive in more but a lot of listeners probably know of you from the movie The Secret which you know has come out more than 20 years ago which is crazy, I mean more than half of my life so I’d love to know what was that process like creating this movie especially in a time in the 90’s where these conversations were not trendy they were not at the forefront, was there any backlash that you received? What was that journey like for you?
Rhonda – Sure, sure. I mean, I think it was considered quite controversial at that time but even though it was considered that I was absolutely determined because when I discovered it, I knew it was the truth without a doubt. I knew that law of attraction applied, I knew that our mind was creating absolutely everything depending on what we focus on, and so I was just determined to get this movie out there no matter what, and truly Sahara to this day I don’t know how it happened. I had the Universe give me everything that I needed because I was in such a lot of debt, and it was impossible if you looked at it from where I was and where I started, it was impossible for me to be able to do it. But it was just everything that was needed was given. I remember my daughter saying to me, well you’re a controversial writer, and I said, no I’m not, I just write about the truth. It was a journey for sure.
Sahara – It’s crazy how something like, you create your own reality, and you are worthy of joy, and peace, and love and is like considered controversial but then all of the horror and action and all of those things no one bats an eyelash at that.
Rhonda – Right. I mean that is so true because what I felt, the news that I’m delivering is the best news you’ll ever hear, like the message of this is incredible and both for The Secret and of The Greatest Secret. The Secret was basically telling people that they have the power to create the life that they want to create and then The Greatest Secret is really showing them why they are unlimited and why they can create anything that they want, and it’s just all good news. It doesn’t make any sense to be either that there would be pushback, but we have to remember it’s the mind that’s pushing back. You know that’s what’s pushing back it’s not, it’s certainly not who we are.
Sahara – And I think it’s also the element of responsibility of it. If I am creating my own reality and I created this, I don’t want to be responsible for that because I don’t like this so let me blame something eternal around me that you know, the Government do have a role to play but if we give up our sovereignty and wait for the Government and everyone to give us what we want, we are going to be waiting many, many, lifetimes.
Rhonda – Yeh and you’re right taking responsibility for our life is the first step and when I first discovered this, I kind of, my whole life flashed before my eyes. All of the great things and all of the really tough things I went through, but I could just see how I created it all and of course I never deliberately created the tough things, those were inadvertent, those were, you know sloppy thinking kind of thing, but I took responsibility for all of it. But for me and now for millions of other people the news of this when you, when the truth resonates it is the first most colossal step to freedom. It is gorgeous, it is absolutely gorgeous, to feel that sense of freedom that you have to create the life that you want to create. Yeah, it’s pretty good.
Sahara – I love that. It puts the power back in our hands and puts the energy from trying to change the external role that we really have no control of to the things that we can control which are our daily practices and you know actions like we can take like journaling gratitude etc. that these things will actually make a huge difference in our lives and the ripple effect of that as well I think we really undermined that as a society. We think that change has to come from such pain and agony and suffering and the old way and really what I think this new paradigm is about is creating change from the vibration that we want in this world.
Rhonda – Oh exactly, yes definitely. It’s all an inside job, all of it, all of it. And it’s so easy to change our lives as you mentioned with gratitude. I mean somebody can really see the difference in their life in under 24 hours with gratitude. I mean it’s so fast and if they are doing it genuinely and from their heart, they would see a really big difference in a very short time. So gratitude just is the easiest thing to do to change your life and begin to see the power that you have when you are being grateful for what you have and then of course love is also another thing to use. In a similar way to what you’re using gratitude, so doing a rampage of love for example of all of things that you love and the really great thing about the law of attraction is you kind of start, what can I think of that I love, well I love it when there’s blue sky and I love it in summer and I love the fresh air and I love it when the traffic is really easy and you start to do these deliberate thoughts and then law of attraction kicks in and in 20 seconds law of attraction is just giving you one thing after another after another of all the things that you love. So, when you are doing that your frequency flies really high, the happiness and joy inside of us increases and when we are really happy and joyful, we can create in a heartbeat. I mean we can create really fast and manifest very very fast and then if we’re down and super low the really good thing is we don’t create as fast. We just don’t have, it’s like a self-protective mechanism that we don’t create as fast if we’re in a really lower frequency. Gratitude and love and all of those upper emotions and feelings and passion they are all just life-changing and you actually need to feel them first. Like I remember in The Secret I would say you be happy first, be happy first and then you’re on the happy frequency where all of the things that you want because they make you happy are sitting, right. So it’s sort of a little bit around the other way that I’ll be happy when, I’ll be happy when, no be happy first and watch your life change.
Sahara – 100% I think about it like being in an apartment building and every floor is a different frequency and if you get off on that happy or joyful frequency like there you are where all of those things are on the floor but then you could go down the elevator into the shame frequency or anger or sadness and then you’re living that experience so there’s so much more that you’ve uncovered in your newer book The Greatest Secret so I would love to know what was your pathway from The Secret to The Greatest Secret? What were the things that you learned about law of attraction that you got to put in The Greatest Secret then years later?
Rhonda – Okay that is such a good question too. As the year passed by I realized more deeply the incredible power of our mind to create and on just a far more expansive level that I came to understand that the entire world is a projection of our mind and so if the entire world is a projection of our mind then it’s actually really easy to create because the world is just a picture of our minds so therefore if we hold an image in our mind then that image will be projected into the world and if we’re holding the image in our mind without any resistance, you know resistance that we don’t deserve this, or any of those kinds of emotions but just knowing the infinite power that we have to create the life that we want to experience and have is, once we are at the place we can just manifest anything. I also dived a lot into quantum physics as well and understanding the observer effect and that sort of area and that just helped back up everything that I knew spiritually, was to look at that, and there are really incredible scientists out there that are cutting edge and that know that the whole world is not what it appears to be, that it’s very different. And that’s all good news too, that’s all great news. So, to understand that the power of our mind, to focus on something, is when we focus on something we will see it in the world. And I also came to understand the power of our beliefs that we cannot experience anything that is outside of our beliefs. Therefore, letting go of beliefs was an important thing to do, letting go of suppressed emotions. Emotions that we’ve suppressed where we had difficult moments in our life, and we experienced traumatic or sad low emotions and letting those go meant that we would get happier, and happier, and happier with every single one that we released and let go. What I came to see is that the mind is the most incredible powerful tool to create whatever we want in our life, but it also can be our greatest torturer, if we believe the negative thoughts. Because all of its negative force is not true, we are the being that we are, is absolutely perfection and so anything that the mind says that is less than that, you can’t do that, you don’t deserve that, any of those kinds of negative thoughts are not to be believed, at all. Not to be given any attention to so it was a journey of really understanding the mind a lot more the wonderful parts of the mind and the other parts that are not so wonderful and how we can be completely free and existing in permanent happiness. And that was kind of my journey and then in 2016, I had a really big second wake up call, like The Secret was the first but into 2016 I had a second big wakeup call and I’ve been on a journey for the truth like crazy, 24/7 reading, reading, reading, listening, listening to everything I could find. I was like there must be more of the truth. And then in 2016 what to me the biggest thing of all was, understanding who we really are. That really sets you free. Complete actually and puts you into a life with no fear which is a big deal and a life of permanent happiness.
Sahara – I love that so much and when you spoke about beliefs it brought up for me, I remember I went to Varanasi India which is where all of the cremations happen, millions of cremations a year but when you go there no one is crying, not a single person there is crying in fact their just chanting and in a deep deep spiritual practice in fact it’s a huge honor for them to be there but they are literally cremating by hand their mothers, their husbands, their most loved ones but it’s this belief of death that we have in the western world that death is the worst thing that can happen for you is surrounded by sadness, and grief and loss. I mean even this idea of loss of something being taken away from you, that belief is just not there in India because death is just a cycle and you’re just going to transform into your dimension, and in fact, they say you’re, whatever vibration that you are carrying at the time that the soul is transitioning that is what the soul will leave with so if you are screaming, crying, angry the soul is not going to have peace to be able to depart in this clear way that it is meant to so even so much of our actions are to avoid death, right? Like this whole 2020 of a year and everything beyond, it’s like do whatever we can to avoid death, but we if really look at it, is death really the worst thing possible, or is it just this inevitability that if I change my beliefs around it then I don’t have to stop living my life in the fear of what is eventually going to happen to all of us.
Rhonda – Yes, yes. I mean it’s so beautiful in India they most certainly understand that there’s no death for the soul as you say or the being that we are. It’s just the body that ends there’s nothing else. Nothing else that ends. We can’t end, it’s actually impossible for us to end. We never began either, of course, that means, so we’re having an incredible experience of being a human and it’s fantastic and that we’re separate all of those kinds of things and we’re in this incredible objective world but it’s just an experience and who we are never began and will never end, and is actually, which I think is very beautiful is untouched and unharmed by anything that takes place on earth in the physical world. We remain untouched and unharmed but even just this one question that I would say to people, what if you knew without any doubt whatsoever that no one dies? What if you knew how would that change your life, your world, your opinions, your outlook? What if you knew that no one ever dies, there can be no end to any being? The world would be so different right? Yeah.
Sahara – Yeah, I think we would stop gripping being in fear trying to control everything, trying to delay something that is just a natural process of life. I think we created so many systems and technologies and things to like to try to keep death as far away as possible and don’t really have a relationship with it either. It’s like Halloween is maybe the closest thing that we have but it’s scary, right? But I think the more in touch we are with our death the more we can truly live.
Rhonda – Oh, absolutely and it is possible to live your life without the fear of death. It is possible to know not to believe, I’m not saying to take on a belief but to know through your own experience without any doubt whatsoever that you, who you are will never die. That the body will end but it is not who you are. I remember I had this mentor, a really beautiful man many years ago, he is the imperator of one of the esoteric traditions, and he said to me that the moment of death is the greatest moment of life because of the realization that you never die and that you can’t take any of the negativity with you. Eventually, what happens, of course, you must as what you said is also true that you will experience whatever frequency you are on in the moment of death you will experience that but then ultimately you can’t take that with you in the spiritual realm, you can pick it up on the way, on the way back in though. He said it’s just joy and love and happiness. I’ve always thought about that it’s like that but since The Greatest Secret I am being fortunate enough to have the experience of being much more than the person and the form that is sitting here and that is what I would honestly so wish for everybody because that is what will set them free and that is what will deliver to them a happiness that they can barely fathom.
Sahara – Mm. So beautiful. And how did these realizations come through for you, is it through just contemplation, writing, mediation, taking walks, how did these awarenesses start to show up in your reality?
Rhonda – For me, after the sort of realizing who we really are, for me then for the last four years I have been releasing everything that I’m not. That has been releasing beliefs, limiting beliefs. When any kind of negative emotion appears to release that and to welcome that emotion so that I’m releasing all the suppressed emotions from inside the body and when you release a suppressed emotion, you’re releasing thousands upon thousands of thoughts that are attached to that, and so after releasing those things you feel lighter, happier, lighter, happier. So that’s what I’ve been doing and if I feel like for example if you feel disappointment then this is a great day to celebrate because now you can let that disappointment go and my teacher would say to me you are only feeling these things because they’re ready to be released. That’s what I did, I would just release disappointment, impatience, any anger, and then the next time I would feel one of those emotions it was really weak and not so strong and once again I would release it, and then it would it get to a point it’s not possible to feel disappointment because I don’t have any disappointment left inside of me, so I took a really practical path and I mean of course, too, I would be consciously holding myself in the space of the infinite being that we are. I would do that as much as possible in the day was to really hold myself in that space and remembering all the time who I am, the peace of who I am. It really happened I think really, really fast in a short time, I began to feel happier, happier, and more at peace and do you know what’s incredible? All of the things that you begin to see is that things that used to annoy you don’t bother you one bit anymore and you wonder how was it that I ever would get annoyed at that or that that person would sometimes irritate me, you just don’t feel any of that anymore. Nothing really bothers you and it’s so amazing. Really incredible, yeah. I know that is possible for absolutely everybody and yeah so, I took the practical approach to be free.
Sahara – I love that, so let’s say you get into a fight with someone, and some anger shows up, some fear of what they’re going to do, how would you then release that experience you are in?
Rhonda – Okay, so what I would do is feel the emotion, so I notice it and then I take my attention off it because as you know whatever we put our attention on expands and magnifies, so I take my attention. First, notice it and you don’t even need to know that anger or that impatience as that just doesn’t matter, it’s just to notice the negative emotion, then I would take my attention off it. And that’s the thing, once we take our attention off it, it is automatic, the release. We kind of have this self-cleansing mechanism in our body, it’s so amazing, take our attention off it and the energy of that suppressed emotion will unwind and be released. So, to be sure to do that to take our attention off it is what I do is welcoming that emotion. I don’t try and change it, I don’t try and get rid of it, I don’t fix it, I don’t try and do anything with it, I allow the emotion to be there fully, and I’m kind of putting my arms out as though you are welcoming you’re about to put your arms around somebody because I find that if you have your arms out you’re not tensing up and resisting anymore and it helps you to just kind of relax and so it’s really surprising how fast an emotion, the energy of an emotion will pass out of our body when you do that. So that process is what I did, I put it in The Greatest Secret, it is the most powerful thing I’ve ever done in my life. I did that for beliefs, I would spot a belief and I would just be like wow, and I would put my arms out basically and just allow, just look at that belief and allow it to be there and it would just dissolve to such a point that I couldn’t even remember what that belief was because once a belief is gone you can’t remember it anymore. I also did it with any sort of subject, negative subjects or negative train of thoughts, I used that one process for all of that, and then I would just revel in the peace and the bliss and the happiness that would arise within me.
Sahara – Wow it’s so simple yet so profound and I think the difficulty is sometimes what I experience is my mind thinks that I need to think through a problem to find a solution so I’m like I need to keep repeating this because maybe I’ll come up with something that I wouldn’t have and then I create this evidence oh well one time you thought about this problem enough you came up with this solution so you should keep on doing that. So, what advice do you have if you are continually thinking about a problem over and over again?
Rhonda – Yes well, the first thing to know is the mind has no solutions, it doesn’t so a true solution will come from the infinite being that you are, and it will often come as an insight or an intuition. The mind doesn’t really have any answers to anything, it asks a lot of questions for sure, but it doesn’t have the answers. The answers and the insights and the true resolutions are coming from beyond the mind. What the mind will tend to do is keep you trapped you know in, it loves problems because it’s a whole lot of energy and it feeds off those things so it will kind of keep you trapped in a maze going around in circles and then just when you think you resolved it, something else pops up and so you’re attracting more and more problems and I think for many people like they spend their lives just putting out spot fires of problems. “Oh, here’s the next one now I need to put that one out,” and that’s like perfect for the mind. But for who we are and for beyond the mind there’s not a single problem anywhere at any time. To be in that frequency to be at that level, when you’re at that level, it’s like the problem gets resolved all by itself without you doing anything. When you just open yourself to that and you step beyond the mind and just open yourself up it will just get resolved all by itself and you’re like wow. I’ve had that situation so many times where I’ve had one of the executives in my company called and say oh there’s… no I don’t think anybody in our company calls it a problem, they say a challenge or whatever other words and they’ll say there’s this one that we need to address and straight away I just hear it and I release it just automatic and I release on it and then they’ll call back and they say, oh that thing I was talking about, it all got sorted out. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t do anything but just release the idea of it being a problem and not allow the mind to convince me that it is. That’s when you put yourself on a plain where there is absolute perfection and whatever it is will be resolved.
Sahara – Yeah, I mean I was in a situation that was going on for months it was like this dispute, and I kept trying to come up with all the solutions and this and that and then the best solution was just walk away like I don’t want this problem anymore and this is the solution.
Rhonda – Ha Ha! Yeah well, that was most definitely as you would say your higher self-speaking to you because that’s the exact answer and I’m sure when you walked away, and I’ve been in that situation as well, some kind of a dispute and that’s just really really tough and the mind loves to comes up with all these kinds of things you know let’s fight and let’s do this and it’s like no, let it go and that feeling to let it go is way beyond the mind. And you would’ve felt such relief. Like we always know when we’re on the right track because we feel this, first of all, we feel this incredible sense of relief. It’s just like, so beautiful to let something go. The wonderful thing about letting something go is now you have the space for something new to come in and something different to come in for the solution to come in. It’s almost like let go of everything. You know just let go of everything. Let go of it all, let go of the story you have about yourself because that story is created by the mind and that story, therefore, is limited, it’s definitely limited because it’s created by the mind and we are unlimited, we are absolute perfection and just letting the story go of who we think we are, suddenly there’s all of this incredible space for who you are to just come flooding in and fill your life with joy and bliss. Heaven.
Sahara – So where do you think processing our thoughts plays a role in this you know some people feel like they learn when they process whether it’s talking to their friend, journaling their therapist, talking through everything, they’re thinking defined clarity? How would you say this plays a role or would you say to not even entertain that because it’s entertaining the mind and making the mind’s problems even bigger?
Rhonda – It’s tricky isn’t it because I know for some people that that’s what they feel they need to do but the more we focus on something just understanding the dynamics of our mind and the way that it works is the more we focus on something, the bigger, the more energy we are giving to it and the bigger it becomes. One other thing to understand is that who we are is absolute clarity. The mind is confusion, it’s not clarity, so when we go through the whole process like that of talking to people and trying to talk it out and eventually, we get to clarity. I think we get to clarity because we’ve suffered so much and we really just can’t bear to suffer any more, and then we get clarity. Like law of attraction says you focus on something the bigger it becomes and therefore we always want to be focusing on what we want to see, if we were to focus on something then the thing to be focused on is us being in joy and having the solution, you know, not to be focused on the problem, and it’s tricky because the mind is constantly luring us in and you know, what about this? You know, making out like it has the answer but doesn’t have the answer. All of the most incredible things in this world came from beyond the mind. They came from the infinite intelligence that we are, that’s created absolutely everything and so it’s when the mind is quiet that all of that comes in. All of the solutions, all of the incredible inventions, all of those amazing creations, the beautiful music that’s composed, you know, that we feel just came from some divine frequency, a piece of music, or art, or all of those things they all came from beyond the mind.
Sahara – Absolutely yes. Sometimes I feel what journaling really helps with is like getting all of the mind’s shit out so then you can go beyond the mind because it’s like sometimes the mind is just like I need to think I need to, like, give all this focus to have that out, like, I listened to you, I heard you and now let’s go what’s beyond this.
Rhonda – Yeah, I don’t have a problem with journaling because I actually think journaling is sort of different to talking to somebody about it because then you’re kind of getting into the frequency and the problem and sort of holding yourself there a little bit but journaling most definitely. I just did an “advantages and disadvantages” list yesterday of a decision that I’m wanting to make and so I decided to do advantages and disadvantages because I wanted to see what my subconscious mind was holding. Did it hold any block? Was there any kind of block anywhere? And when we do journal like that, and I’m a big supporter of journaling most definitely because we are releasing a lot of potentially limiting beliefs, and we can see them on the paper, a limiting belief that is coming out. I think journaling is different from sort of focusing into a problem, you know and talking about it over and over and over. Yeah, I think my daughter has always journaled, and it has been incredible for her. Incredible.
Sahara – Yeah, I think we process in different ways. Sometimes, dancing is what you need to just move it out. Sometimes it’s singing, praying you know whatever feels good but eventually all of those things are like boats to take you beyond that action.
Rhonda – Yeah that’s exactly it, exactly it, and when you release all of that and then the peace that you feel, and then you get all of these insights, oh I know I’ve got an idea. Then there’s the space for all of that to come in, and it’s more that our mind is creating this sort of blanket over us and stopping us from seeing all of the solutions and all of the answers and all of the clarity. If we can just let that go and move that aside then, I mean we have all the solutions, we have all the answers, we are complete clarity, it’s only the mind that has complete confusion so if we can just shift away then the clarity will arise within us and insights. I mean I’ve had lots of insights, when I was just like, oh wow, and I knew that it didn’t come from the mind because I had this whole thing instantaneously that would take the mind half an hour to explain it because when you get an insight it’s like you get this download and it’s instantaneous. Yeah, it’s wonderful
Sahara – Yeah, I can feel the difference of the thoughts when I’m channeling that it’s much faster and clearer, it’s like the stream of information that’s flowing, it’s almost like if I don’t write it at that moment, it will pass right by and I will actually forget it so you can feel because it’s like full of information that you probably wouldn’t have been thinking of in your everyday normal thoughts.
Rhonda – You’re right to write it down to you won’t because you won’t remember it if you know it’s like when it’s an insight, you need to kind of grab it, you need to kind of grab it and get hold of it and writing it down is really great. I mean I’ve had insights, and I’m like wow, wow and then I go to tell somebody and now it’s gone. It’s completely gone. What was incredible about it. So, it’s a really good idea to write it down to just sort of cement it.
Sahara – Yeah, it’s kind of like a dream.
Rhonda – Exactly like a dream.
Sahara – I’d love for you to share with us what is effortless manifestation?
Rhonda – Okay so effortless manifestation is created with an effortless thought and that is really a thought that’s beyond the mind which kind of sounds contradictory but when we are in a place of zero resistance, so we’re not contracting anywhere, no resistance whatsoever, then one thought will manifest virtually instantaneously. And if that thought is not contradicted by any other thought, I mean that’s the power that everybody has, you focus on a thought, if you do not contradict that thought, it will manifest. One of the things that we could do is when we want something or we want something to occur we have a desire and then we visualize it or we think about it and then a whole lot of other thoughts coming in, well how’s that going to happen, and you didn’t do that well in that subject so how are you going to get that job, or things haven’t worked out for you before in that area so what makes you think it’s going to work out this time and all of those kinds of thoughts which are contradictory thoughts so every time there’s a thought like that it just cancels it out. It’s resistance to the thought that we have basically planted to manifest. Effortless manifestation is really effortless thought and having one thought that is not contradicted by any other thought at all. The more joy that we are in and the more happiness we are then our thoughts are going to be effortless. When you’re in joy and happiness you have very little resistance or gratitude, and in gratitude, you have very little resistance. That’s why when we are super grateful will have tears come to our eyes because we are letting go of resistance. The higher we can be in joy and happiness or love or gratitude the less resistance that we have and that’s the time, I think, to manifest is when you’re feeling that way. Not when you’re feeling all I don’t know if I’ve got it right or I’ve been waiting for this for a long time and still not here, all of those kinds of things. If you can just get yourself up higher into joy or into happiness or into passion then you’re in a place where you don’t have as much resistance and then you’re going to manifest but basically effortless manifestation it takes one thought to manifest just one, as long as it’s not contradicted with any other thought and that’s effortless manifestation.
Sahara – I love that because so often when we go to spiritual practices it’s when we’re in a low place and we want something, and we like I will do all of the rituals and the moon practices and whatever you’ve got because I need the situation to change but then when you’re just joyful and living your life you kind of forget about those things.
Rhonda – Yeah, yeah. Ha Ha!
Sahara – It’s like how can you bring in more of that intentionality when you’re feeling good?
Rhonda – Yeah and it was perfect what you just said because I want this to change and if you feel that, that’s full of resistance. Right? I want this to change, and I want it to change now or I need this now and that has a whole lot of resistance. And resistance you don’t want because resistance is basically saying I don’t have it yet and so then you’re not going to get it. That’s why we need to let go of resistance and in those higher frequencies, there is not as much resistance there so it’s going to manifest a whole lot faster. So yeah, I think some teachers say to manifest, you don’t want to need something but it’s just because the needing has resistance in it, that’s all. Needing says, I don’t have it, and as you know for manifestation, you have to imagine that you have it already because there’s not time for any of the laws, law of attraction or any of the laws of physics, they’re all operating in the present moment so that’s why you need to visualize that you already have what you want. You’ve already got it.
Sahara – So what if there is something that you deeply desire and it’s kind of hard to get rid of that desperate energy around it because you so deeply do desire it. So what is your advice there?
Rhonda – Probably with that I would release that feeling. These days, that’s what I do. I would release that feeling because that feeling doesn’t feel good, if you really examine it, that feeling it’s not a good feeling when you’re kind of desperate like that. So these days I would just release it immediately and I would just let that feeling leave my body. Otherwise, if I go back to The Secret then what I would do is I would just be doing a lot of practices to have me in joy and happiness because if you notice when you’re in joy and happiness you’re not so desperate anymore; because we only ever want anything to be happier, we think we will be happier for the having of it, or for the absence of it. It doesn’t matter what is, for every human being in the world we have one thing in common – we are seeking happiness and we think that in manifesting this job or this partner or having a baby or money or the house or whatever it may be that we will be happier when we have it. If we can get to happiness, we don’t have so much resistance or needing or wanting and so we can release a little bit of that kind of desperate feeling. Like some people will ask me. is it better to have a time frame on what they want to manifest and it’s a really hard question to answer because some people will manifest really well. Like in the month of June, I want this, or in the month of July, I want this to happen, and by the end of July this will have happened and for some people that will work really well for them because of their degree of faith and no doubt about it. And then for other people, it creates resistance right, and so they’re kind of with resistance pushing what they want away. It depends, but resistance, I mean, I could write a book on resistance. I mean, I talk about it in The Greatest Secret a lot but it’s an incredible subject because it is all negative emotion in resistance, that’s what it is. I don’t want this, the words, I don’t want this, I don’t want this to happen. I want something to go this way and I don’t want it that way and just letting go of resistance. Oh my gosh, the happiness and the joy that you feel. And then when you are feeling that way, manifestation feels really easy. When you’re really happy and joyful it doesn’t seem big or hard at all. It seems easy, you feel like you could manifest anything, you know.
Sahara – Absolutely and you have less of a need to because you are already happy where you are.
Rhonda – Exactly, exactly. Yeah!
Sahara – So I’d love to know what do you think is the role of destiny and if something is meant to happen in your life, like an experience that is meant to happen or a soul contract, etc. versus how much we can control through manifestation?
Rhonda – Mm, that’s a big question. Ha Ha! We certainly have some control over some things for sure but too I feel that we have a destiny. I sort of feel like it’s both, and it seems like one contradicts the other, but I feel like we have a blueprint, and that blueprint was worked out by us, with very good reason, that blueprint and to free us. And so, from a really incredible place of allowing, I think we create a blueprint but in between all of that in that outline, there’s lots of details and things that we can manifest that don’t affect at all the overall blueprint. So, I kind of feel like it’s both. I know one thing for sure, we are all destined to fully wake up and realize who we are, there is no doubt of that. Not one of us can ever, ever, ever miss out on that ever. It may take a bit of time, or so-called time, but every single being will arrive home, and be free. every person and realize who they are. That’s just a beautiful way to look at everything and there’s manifestation of people at different stages along the way of that, but it doesn’t matter where anybody is because. the destination is the same for all of us. I remember when I would speak to my mentor and I would say, oh I want more of the truth and more of the truth and I want to do it this lifetime and he would say to me, what’s the rush you’ve got all of eternity. And he meant that, I mean you have all of eternity haha! What’s the hurry? Ha! We do all have the same destination and that destination is one that whereby the incredible experiences that we’ve had in the physical world do not harm us, the experience, I can’t even say they add, they’re an experience but in the end, the destination is the same glorious destination for every single being, and they will be free, and they will know that they are infinite, that they are all that there is, and that nothing ever, ever, ever can harm them, and they are so much more than they ever, ever, thought they were.
Sahara – Do you feel that soul ages, like the number of souls or lifetimes we’ve had on this planet play a role in someone’s awakening? Like those who are awakening are old souls potentially, or do you feel like everyone in this lifetime can spontaneously awaken regardless of how many lifetimes they’ve had here?
Rhonda – I think anybody can spontaneously awaken. I think that is possible for everyone simply because it is who we are. Yeah, anybody can awaken, and I mean I sort of wonder what happened in the previous lifetime that I came into this lifetime, and I don’t know and the reason I don’t know is because it’s not important for me to know. My mentor used to say, if you need to know anything from any other lifetime and it’s important for this lifetime you will remember it. It will be given to you, and you will remember. I just kind of have a sense of a country and things like that but, yeah, I just think we’re…um. I don’t know I just think we’re all just so destined to end up where we are and there appears to be a journey and like an evolution for the soul, there appears to be, and certainly when you look around it feels that way too. And I remember the Buddha said he had had 500 lifetimes, and he recalled all of them, so one would think therefore there are some souls that have moved along more than other souls or awakened, but I don’t know the answer to it. And it’s speculation like I guess I should ask the question because whenever we ask the question, we get the answer, right? And then we know for sure, but I just know for this lifetime here that I am so so grateful to have woken up and so grateful, so I don’t know what happened previously but oh my gosh whatever it was, thank you, thank you, thank you with all of my heart. It’s kind of round-about way of answering your question.
Sahara – Yeah and I think truthfully it doesn’t matter, you know sometimes in our journey we’re like I need to know all of my past lives in my astrology chart in my human design, in my this, in my that, all of these things and it can be educational for sure but really from the highest realm we are all love, we are all going to the same place, and just to enjoy this experience and sometimes release even our need to label it, right?
Rhonda – That’s beautiful!
Sahara – And like have more and more, just like I’m a this that that, you’re here and you’re love, you’re light, and that in itself is enough.
Rhonda – It is. It is more than enough and all of those labels as you say all of those labels just kind of box us in and imprison us to be limited because every label is limitation, and we don’t have any labels at all because we are unlimited. I say this, we are holding the Universe in our hands, you know we are just beyond what most of us can even fathom and that’s why in the ancient text they would talk about the unspeakable that it can’t be described because we are just beyond description, the perfection, and the love as you say just cannot ever be defined because the moment we define it, we limit who we are. Just to begin to feel that presence is within absolutely everybody, it is who they are, and you can feel that presence at any time and it’s possible to wake up at any time. But it’s all unfolding as Robert Adams used to say, everything is unfolding exactly as it should. And I would say that to myself a lot of times you know like when through the last year and half when I saw so many people in fear and I would say to myself everything is unfolding exactly as it should. I didn’t have any fear at all in that time, but I really increased the work that I was doing and tried to help people and soothe people thought that time, but I think that time for all of us was an opportunity to let go of fear and be free of fear and let go. It was a big wake up call for us to let it go and there was a lot of sadness for people who lost loved ones but there’s no end. There’s no end.
Sahara – I love that so much. So, what advice do you have for someone who is really seeking to find more purpose in their life right now?
Rhonda – It’s almost like this, if we could just let go, what would unfold would be incredible. Because I think in so many ways even what we think might be our purpose is not, is limited as well. So, for example did I ever imagine I would be doing this? No. I mean if you look at my life and you know I was a secretary, I was a producer on radio and then I was a producer on television, I started a television production company, I mean where was the spiritual journey of decades in all of this? But I know without a doubt, without any doubt whatsoever this is what I came here to do and everything else along the way was preparing me for this. I feel life will take you there if you can just trust life and if I look back at how this began, the point where everything changed in my life where my life did a complete U-turn toward The Secret toward my own company was when I got fired. I mean that was incredible to me that I got fired because I’ve always been like this, I’m this really good person, I don’t do anything wrong and I got fired because I didn’t dob on somebody else, and so I got fired along with her and I was absolutely devastated but do you know that moment, that moment is what changed my life and right then and there I was on the runway to The Secret. So, there’s just this kind of trusting in life and when I got fired and I said to myself this is for the good, you can’t see it yet, but you will. So yeah, I have a lot of trust in life to take us where we need to go to.
Sahara: That’s so beautiful that something that could have been the worst thing that happened to you was actually the best thing that happened to you.
Rhonda – Yes it was, it was completely. And that happened to me a few times in my life including the night that I discovered The Secret my whole life had collapsed in one big heap and I had two phone calls that just wiped me out and I remember thinking, oh that it was so tough that night that it was like my ego jumped on a horse and rode the heck out of there because it was too much and then in that moment I kind of saw and realized a lot and had a really big sort of awakening. But that moment in my life truly that moment where I was in total despair I let go, and in the letting go everything came of what would become The Secret. It’s a big deal. I think we get in our own way a little bit, a lot.
Sahara – Yeah these opportunities led us to let go of what we thought the plan was going to be I mean even in 2020, this experience for the collective we were so in our day-to-day routines not questioning things just in the hamster wheel and this caused us to get off that. Right now we’re going through the greatest amount of job transition and even divorce and all of these things that have been bubbling underneath the surface but we were just too busy to really look at them that now there are going to be so many beautiful businesses and inventions and ways of connecting that maybe would not have been had we not had this, you know, rug swept under our feet so sometimes you know like they say you need to have a breakdown to have the breakthrough.
Rhonda – Yes and I think a lot of people, they hit the bottom didn’t they. I know a lot of people young people were afraid and saying is this the end of the world? I know throughout my life there were times in the world, crises in the world where we thought it was the end of the world, you know there was..
Sahara – Yeah there was 2020, 2012
Rhonda – Yeah there was an incident do you know where we are like..
Sahara – Every 10 years there’s the end of the world.
Rhonda – Exactly. Exactly. So I really sympathized with all those young people because this was the first time that they had experienced something that they just couldn’t believe what was happening to their life to their world been turned upside down, but always when there is something that is massive like this it is because it’s a little bit like except on a global scale what happened to me and the U-turn of my life, oh no we have a Global U-turn and I just know with all my heart that that will mean that what is ahead is absolutely amazing.
Sahara – Yes it’s like the entire world having their dark night of the soul at the same time and we’ll all be rising up and that’s why more and more people are opening up to spirituality and meditation all these different practices that they, you know never felt like they needed it before but sometimes we needed to have that on, on my knees moment to finally open up and receive support from something greater than ourselves.
Rhonda – Yes definitely. If I look at my own life and every difficult moment that I’ve had, if I look back, has been a blessing and it has been a curve when my life turned, all my life changed and so I just see everything now far more clearly and I don’t see anything as bad and I’ve had lots of experiences, do you know really what people would describe as very very challenging experiences. But all of those things were just, they’re just events, you know, they’re just events and we are all here and we’re having this experience and it’s colossal. It feels so real, and it’s a miracle, and it’s beautiful, and just think to the mind is so serious, right? So serious, which is why the word, you know, “enlightenment” just means more light and more lights means more joy, more happiness, more clarity, more direct intelligence, more peace, more allowing of everything. I know Krishnamurti says, there’s one quote in the book where Krishnamurti says, I don’t mind what happens. And he did not mind what happened, because it’s all just a passing show and in the end, we are all fine.
Sahara – I love that.
Rhonda – Right. You can definitely get to that place, really and truly get to that place where you just know everything is totally fine. We are deathless, deathless. So, it’s all good, all good.
Sahara – I love that so much when I was going through my, just awakening, and was trying to figure out my path, I remember I would tell myself it’s okay, you’re just at this shitty part of your memoir. One day this will be the point that everything changed and it’s so funny because then when I wrote my book that was the shitty part of the story that everything changed. And sometimes the things that we feel like oh well I don’t want anyone to know about this or you know I never want to go back to this experience, it ends up being the thing that sometimes we end up telling people about the most because it shows people that change is possible.
Rhonda – Yeah and we tend to resist change, right? You know that’s one of the things that we fear – we are afraid of change but we are in the world. It’s a duality and we are in a world where nothing stays the same. It’s all constantly in flux, it’s constantly changing which is fascinating because who we are is unchanging. Who we are is totally unchanging and so we are in this whole experience of everything changing. I love that because everything is like the opposite of who we really are you know. It’s all the opposite and we long for attention and approval and yet who we are is all the approval there is and all the attention there is and so there’s this deep kind of longing within us and we don’t recognize it. When we are longing for attention or approval or happiness or love we are actually longing for ourselves, we are actually seeking ourselves.
Sahara – I love that so much we are already home and perfect and beautiful as we are it’s just remembering that.
Rhonda – Yes, exactly, exactly.
Sahara – Yes. Well it was so great diving in with you and so many beautiful topics that I know so many people are wondering so I would love to share with listeners where they can read The Greatest Secret and connect with you more.
Rhonda – Oh thank you so much and I’ve got to say it’s so wonderful to speak to somebody like you and to be able to talk about all of these things, like this it just was heaven for me, absolute heaven. And so, thank you thank you so much. I just think you know whatever we can put out there, any one of us that will set somebody free and help them to happiness and have the life that they deserve to have. It’s just worth its weight in gold, everything is so precious.
Sahara – Thank you so much for your wisdom and for truly being a pioneer in this movement. I know for probably so many listeners The Secret was the first time they have ever heard about these types of concepts so thank you for really standing in front of the mainstream media that has its own prerogative and agenda that is not always enlightened and for bringing the light there where it is so needed.
Rhonda – Thank you, thank you, thank you so so much.
Sahara – Have a beautiful rest of your day.
Rhonda – Thank you. You too.