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Manifested A Day Off.
Submitted by: Seles
CanadaI am a 26 year old immigrant in Canada. I am working in hospitality.
Thank you, Rhonda Bryne, for introducing me to The Secret. I have manifested a lot of things, but this is the quickest thing I manifested, and it happened this morning.
I woke up feeling tired, and I thought to myself that I wish I could have a day off today. I worked a lot yesterday and today, there was not much work in the office, but I have to sit at the front desk. So I visualized that I was getting a text from my manager telling me to take a day off today and rest. I was feeling positive that I had a day off. I wrote in my gratitude journal, “Thank you, Universe, for giving me a day off today.” And a few minutes later, my manager called and told me that I could rest today and take a day off! I felt so happy.
Thank you, Universe. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Have strong faith in the Universe, and remember to ask, believe, and receive.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!