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The Power Found Me In A Men’s Clothing Shop.
Submitted by: TK
Sri LankaA passionate woman.
I had asked to receive the book, The Power, prior to manifesting it. I was going to order it through Amazon but twice I changed my mind because of the high postal charges, as well as the fact that it would take some time to arrive because of the coronavirus pandemic at that time. I did not look to buy it here as it normally costs a lot more so I asked for it to manifest and then let it go.
Two weeks after I had ‘asked’ we were doing some clothes shopping for my husband and The Secret books were there on a shelf to sell at the shop! And there was a discount too! It is not a shop that you would normally find books at all, it is only a men’s clothing shop! I was so thrilled and excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thank you so very much to the Universe! You just never know where you will find your manifestations. Actually, the book really found its way to me!