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Summer School, Summer Is Cool.
Submitted by: MB
Manila, PHLiving in gratitude.
Seven years ago, I applied for a place in a Winter School for an interesting topic in my field. It was hosted by the two top universities in the world. Let’s call the topic Topic 1, and the universities as Uni A, and Uni B.
My application for this Winter School was denied and I was heartbroken.
Two years after that, I was re-introduced to The Secret. I had watched The Secret movie before but did not finish it. Now, The Secret was back for me to read and watch. I was so happy and grateful to finally learn to release my intentions to the Universe and to let it go. I then let go of this particular intention about the Winter School and moved forward.
Thereafter and up to the present, I still read the book, watch the film, and I even was introduced to The Power and The Greatest Secret which I am now reading.
Last year in 2020, I was accepted into the Summer School on another interesting topic hosted by Uni B. Let’s call the topic Topic 2.
This month, I started my Summer School on Topic 1 hosted by three other top universities. I am grateful to have been offered a place, given the very competitive selection process.
I just realized that everything went full circle for this learning experience. I realized it after I thought about it and checked my archived emails regarding the Winter School on Topic 1.
I was able to study at Uni B last year and I got to study Topic 1 this year. All of this took place during the Summer. That is so cool and amazing.
The Universe rearranged people, places, and circumstances for me to be here finally. This also inspires me to finish my Ph.D. very soon.
What happens to Uni A? The Universe will unfold something better for me than what I initially thought of. I am really looking forward to that.
Thank you, Rhonda. Thank you to The Secret team, and to all who shared their stories. You have encouraged me to share mine and more stories to come. Thank you, thank you, thank you!