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Power Of Positivity.
Submitted by: Jagbir
IndiaHappily manifesting every day.
I am practicing and enjoying gratitude every single day.
Yesterday my Samsung mobile was having a problem. I was not able to switch it on or off. It tried almost 20 times but it was not working properly. I am sure you all know how hard it is to be without your phone. I was worried.
But since I have made The Secret a part of my daily life I just sat down and relaxed my mind and imagined that my mobile phone was working properly. Within 3 seconds of imagining this, suddenly a thought came to my mind. I remembered that previously when my mobile got damaged, at that time I also had the same wallpaper on my home screen as I had yesterday. Though it is silly to think that wallpaper can cause any trouble to your phone and that too a screenshot, I still had such a strong feeling about it so I immediately changed my wallpaper. And a true miracle happened! My phone started working absolutely perfectly after that. Thank you so very much!
I do not know if I should blame the wallpaper or what but it was really so quick. Thank you to the Universe. My life is amazing!