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Overwhelming Orchestrations Of The Universe!
Submitted by: Abeke O.
NigeriaAlways working to make a better person of myself.
I am so happy and forever grateful for the orchestrations of the Universe that made it possible to pay my school fees at Harvard and to complete my master’s degree! It has made me a graduate of the most prestigious university in the whole world and it opens up tremendous opportunities for me.
I had thought that I would have to abandon the Harvard program if I could not raise the funds to pay my fees. But then, things started to happen.
First, I received grant money to do a project. The money was eventually paid in USD after several attempts to transfer it in my local currency failed. Second, foreign exchange fluctuations increased the local currency amount tremendously. I had received it at 386, and it was exchanged at 430 so I could successfully execute the grant project. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I could use the excess generated for my school fees.
Third, our government for the first time in many years allowed citizens paying school fees abroad to exchange local currency for USD at government rate (360) which was even a better rate than the grant rate. So, I needed less of the “excess” generated to get the USD amount needed for my school fees.
Fourth, Harvard, for the first time ever, accepted payment in 4 installments.
Fifth, the grant was delayed by six months because of the difficulty the donors had in transferring the money. But then, its arrival coincided with the school fees payment.
Sixth, Harvard changed the compulsory physical classes on campus to online classes because of COVID thus saving me from expenses on flight tickets and accommodation.
Seventh, I was able to raise enough money from the “excess” generated to pay for 2 classes for the first time because I didn’t need to pay for the trip to the campus in Boston and these were the final classes that I needed to complete the degree.
This is an overwhelming, unimaginable orchestration of the Universe that was in my favor. Now, I have completed my degree and I am feeling super grateful. Thank you so very much for The Secret. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!