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Feeling Blessed!
Submitted by: Aveen
IrelandSingle mother of one.
I started using The Secret one year ago. I had never heard of it before but I had been using the law of attraction all my life without realizing it. It has brought good and bad into my life.
My life has escalated in the last year, and I am living the dream. I have tough days like everyone else but I am learning to let it go. I wake up every morning and say thank you. It is so simple but so effective.
The reason for my story is that I am in the process of buying my dream vehicle. It is very expensive and way outside my affordability, but when I went to the garage, I found out that it was very doable and affordable for me. I could not stop smiling. I have said thank you, thank you, thank you at least 1000 times!
We all have a choice to live in a positive way and we can bring all of our desires to us. I have chosen this way. I am so very grateful to Rhonda Byrne and her team of The Secret for spreading the word about the law of attraction. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Magic Dust to you all. Ask, believe, trust, and you will receive.
Thank you to everyone for sharing their stories.
Magic Dust to everyone!