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My Perfect Partner Matched My Desires.
Submitted by: JT
New ZealandA regular man, for whom The Magic worked!
This happened a few years back but right at this moment I just got the urge to share.
I began completing the steps as highlighted in The Magic. One of the tasks is to write all the traits you want in your perfect partner, which I did. I thought nothing of it again and continued to complete The Magic practices. Towards the end of the course of The Magic and after completing each daily task as prescribed, I started to feel extremely light, happy and as if I were floating. It was the most enlightened feeling!
Not long after that I was going about my life and this beautiful, fun, loving, loyal, caring women entered my life. We began dating and eventually starting going out and had the most amazing bond and life together. One night I was cleaning my draws and came across the list of my perfect partner. I read each item I had written some months back then handed the list to my girlfriend. She read it and said, “This is me?” “What is this?”.
It was at that moment that I was so overwhelmed by joy and shock and confusion as to how this magical law actually works. But it does. Practice, trust in the process and most of all, be grateful, The Magic will happen. It has no choice but to do so as the day turns to night and the night turns to day.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Rhonda and the team at The Secret for the life changing information you brought to the world. Thank you!!