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Believe it and You will Achieve it
Submitted by: Mary
Westford, MAI work as an administrator for a psychoanalytically-oriented group and server/bartender at a local restaurant. I am married and have two children.
After viewing The Secret several times, I decided to test how it works. I looked at my schedule at the restaurant where I work and and intended to make $1,200 for the week. My first three shifts were good but not as great as I thought they would be. The night before my final shift for the week, I calculated how much I would have to make in the last shift to meet the $1,200 I intended. I would have to make $416! I typed on a sheet of paper, “I am so happy and grateful that I now made $416 on New Year’s Eve!! I even sent an email to my husband and repeated this statement several times. For that particular New Year’s Eve night, our server staff worked in teams. One of the women working within my team said that she’d be happy if she made $300. I said, “No, we’re going to make $400.” At the conclusion of our shift, we each made $425! Oh, yes, at the end of the week, I made $1,209….$9 more than I intended! Amazing!!